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بازدید : 150
سه شنبه 16 ارديبهشت 1399 زمان : 11:18

مقاله جوشكاري Finite element analysis of the thermo-mechanical behavior of the resistance spot welding

مقاله جوشكاري با عنوان : Finite element analysis of the thermo-mechanical behavior of the resistance spot welding

Murat Vural


In this study, the formation of the welding nugget and the effect of welding process parameters on nugget shape and size, have been studied. And a combined thermal-electrical-mechanical simulation system is done using a Finite Element Analysis program, and the effect of the welding parameters such as current, time, electrode force, contact resistance temperature distribution on the contact resistance were investigated. The results provided useful information source on the formation of the nugget, and thus provided opportunities to play first true estimate of the quality of welding process.

بازدید : 150
سه شنبه 16 ارديبهشت 1399 زمان : 11:18

مقاله جوشكاري Parametric Studies and Finite Element Analysis of Welded Steel in Resistance Spot Welding Process

مقاله جوشكاري با عنوان : Parametric Studies and Finite Element Analysis of Welded Steel in Resistance Spot Welding Process

Kishore, N.1*, Sreenu, S.2, Ramachandran, N.3, Allesu, K.

چكيده :

Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) is a widely used joining process for fabricating sheet assemblies in the automotive,
marine and aerospace industries. Modern vehicles contain 2000-5000 spot welded points. The main requirements of
these automobile parts are corrosion resistance of chassis, the high strength values of sheets used, the stiffness of
welded joints when exposed to an external force and the ability to absorb impacts, along with low غير مجاز مي باشدt and comfort.
In RSW, electrodes travel on a predetermined path and make contact with the sheets at selected weld points to apply
force. Electric current is then turned on and flows through the sheets clamped between the electrodes. Due to the
contact resistance to current flow, the temperature rises from resistance heating. When the temperature reaches the
desired fusing temperature, a molten nugget is formed, the current is shut off after a designated time to allow the
nugget to cool down and solidification of the weld spot occurs under pressure. It is proposed to study the effect of
various parameters on nugget dimensions and strength of the weld joint in RSW and concentrating on different
material and thicknesses to get good weld joint at low غير مجاز مي باشدt and compared with analytical part done in Ansys.

بازدید : 147
سه شنبه 16 ارديبهشت 1399 زمان : 11:18

ساختار پست هاي فشار قوي

ساختار پست هاي فشار قوي

عنوان مقاله: ساختار پست هاي فشار قوي

قالب بندي: word

قيمت: 2300 تومان


ساختار پست هاي فشار قوي

1-1- پيشگفتار

1-2- دسته بندي پست هاي فشارقوي

1-3- اجزاء تشكيل دهنده پستها

بررسي تجهيزات فشارقوي ، حفاظت ، كنترل و ثبات وقايع

2-1- تجهيزات فشار قوي
2-2- سيستم كنترل

2-3- سيستم حفاظتي

2-4- سيستم ثبت و نشاندهنده وقايع و اتفاقات

بازدید : 136
سه شنبه 16 ارديبهشت 1399 زمان : 11:18

مقاله جوشكاري A study on numerical analysis of the resistance spot welding process

مقاله جوشكاري با عنوان : A study on numerical analysis of the resistance spot welding process

H. Zhigang a, I.S. Kim b,*, J.S. Son b, H.H. Kim b, J.H. Seo b, K.C. Jang c,
D.K. Lee c, J.M. Kuk c


Purpose: Over the last few years, there has been a growing interest in quantitative representation of heat transfer
and fluid flow phenomena in weld pools in order to study relationships between the processing variables and
the quality of the weldment produced and to use this information for the optimization and mobilization of the
welding process.
Design/methodology/approach: A 2D axisymmetric Finite Element Method (FEM) model has been developed
to analyze the transient thermal behaviors of Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) process. In this model, the
temperature dependent material properties, phase change and convectional boundary conditions were taken
account for the improvement of the calculated accuracy, but the determination of the contact resistance at the
surface is moderately simplified in order to reduce the calculating time through the analysis.
Findings: The developed model has been employed the thermal history of the whole process (including cooling)
and temperature distributions for any position in the weldment

بازدید : 150
سه شنبه 16 ارديبهشت 1399 زمان : 11:18

مقاله جوشكاري Modeling and Fuzzy Control of the Resistance Spot Welding Process

مقاله جوشكاري با عنوان : Modeling and Fuzzy Control of the Resistance Spot Welding Process

Xingqiao Chen, Keiiji Araki, Takeshi Miziiiio

چكيده :

This paper establishes a welding energy model and describes a hzzy adaptive process control
scheme for a resistance spot welding system.
For a welding system, it is not easy to measure with on-line the output, the nugget size, by usual
measuring method. And it is also difficult to control the welding process in real time . The paper
proposes a new method with input welding energy to estimate the nugget size and to reckon the
welding process. An optimal welding energy reference model is founded compared with different
input method of welding energy. A fizzy adaptive process control scheme with the model is also,
here, described to realize real time control and to improve control performance.
The results of simulation and experiments show that the reference model is effective on reducing
loss energy and prodiicing a sound nugget and the hzzy adaptive control scheme may obtain an
optimal control process for resistance spot welding

بازدید : 154
سه شنبه 16 ارديبهشت 1399 زمان : 11:18

مقاله جوشكاري Study of Forward Method on Imaging of Nugget in Resistance Spot Welding

مقاله جوشكاري با عنوان : Study of Forward Method on Imaging of Nugget in Resistance Spot Welding

Wenbo Xuan, Zhen Luo, Yang Li, Naifeng Fan


Inversion imaging of nugget in resistance spot
welding (RSW) is a new developing method of monitoring the
welding quality in RSW in recent years, which is based on the
rapid developments of the inverse problems in mathematics
and physics. This paper does some research on the forward
problem of inversion imaging of nugget and establishes the
forward model of RSW on the basis of the forward theory and
the electromagnetic field theory. And the soft wares of
MATLAB and ANSYS are used to simulate the
electromagnetic field of the forward model. The model’s
reliability is verified by comparing the experimental results
with the simulated results, which makes a good foundation for
the inversion imaging of nugget in RSW.

بازدید : 155
سه شنبه 16 ارديبهشت 1399 زمان : 11:18

مقاله جوشكاري Finite element analysis of resistance spot welding process

مقاله جوشكاري با عنوان : Finite element analysis of resistance spot welding process

Guo Zhong

چكيده :

A coupled finite element model is developed to
analyze the transient thermal and mechanical behaviors of
Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) process using commercial
software ANSYS. A direct-coupled electrical-thermal Finite
Element Analysis (FEA) is firstly performed to simulate the
transient thermal characteristics of RSW process. The thermal
history of the whole process and the temperature distribution of
the weldment are obtained through the analysis. Then based on
the thermal results a sequential coupled thermo-elastic-plastic
analysis is conducted to determine the mechanical features of
RSW process. The mechanical features, including the
distributions of the contact pressure at both the faying surface
and the electrode-workpiece interface, the stress and strain
distributions in the weldment and their changes during the RSW
process and the deformation of the weldment are also calculated.

بازدید : 146
سه شنبه 16 ارديبهشت 1399 زمان : 11:18

مقاله جوشكاري Ultrasonic spot welded AZ31 magnesium alloy: Microstructure, texture, and lap shear strength

مقاله جوشكاري با عنوان : Ultrasonic spot welded AZ31 magnesium alloy: Microstructure, texture, and lap shear strength

V.K. Patel, S.D. Bhole n, D.L. Chen


The structural application of ultra-lightweight magnesium alloys inevitably involves welding and
joining. A solid-state welding – ultrasonic spot welding (USW) – was conducted on AZ31B-H24 Mg
alloy sheet by varying a key parameter of welding energy in this study, aiming to identify the changes
in the microstructure, crystallographic texture, and lap shear tensile strength. The grain size was
observed to increase with increasing welding energy. Crystallographic texture determined via X-ray
diffraction showed a significant change that corresponded well to the change in the deformation and
recrystallization mechanisms of the Mg alloy. The lap shear strength first increased with increasing
energy input, reached the maximum value at a welding energy of 2000 J, then decreased. The welds
generally fractured along the joint interface when the welding energy was lower than 2000 J, while
fracture occurred at the periphery of the joint (button pull-out) for the samples made with an energy
input of higher than 2000 J.

بازدید : 144
سه شنبه 16 ارديبهشت 1399 زمان : 11:18

حذف يا كاهش زمينه هاي بروز فساد اداري با كاربرد رويكرد نظامند پوكايوكه

حذف يا كاهش زمينه هاي بروز فساد اداري با كاربرد رويكرد نظامند پوكايوكه

عنوان مقاله: حذف يا كاهش زمينه هاي بروز فساد اداري با كاربرد رويكرد نظامند پوكايوكه

قالب بندي: word

قيمت: 2300 تومان

شرح مختصر: مطالعه تاريخ نشان مي دهد فساد در جوامع بشري قدمتي بهاندازه تمدن داشته و اكنون نيز يكي از مسائل مبتلا به كشورهاي جهان مي‌باشد.فساد اداري به اقداماتي اطلاق مي‌شود كه ناشي از بكارگيري قدرت و توان سازمانهاي دولتي و يا وابسته به دولت براي كسب منافع مالي فردي و يا گروهي است. فساد اداري، عارضه‌اي است كه امروزه گريبان‌گير همه كشورها - توسعه يافته يا كم‌تر توسعه يافته، دموكراتيك (ضعيف يا قوي) و غير دموكراتيك - مي‌باشد. بهسخن ديگر، هيچ كشور پاكي به لحاظ فساد اداري در جهان وجود ندارد. متاسفانه روش هاي مختلف ارائه شده در كشور براي مقابله با اين معضل تاكنون اثر بخشي چنداني نداشته است. اگر چه جامعه ايران ، جامعه اي توام با گرايشهاي مذهبي و ملياست كه همه آنها فساد را پديده اي زشت شناخته اند و همواره تاكيد بر مبارزه با آنكرده اند ، با اين حال شاهد اين هستيم كه شيوع فساد در جامعه مسير بسياري ازپيشرفتهاي اجتماعي و ملي را بسته و هزينه هاي هنگفتي را بر دوش كشور و در نهايتمردم گذاشته است به گونه اي كه سازمان شفافيت بين المللي جايگاه ايران را از ميان 180 كشور جهان در رده 168 قرار داده است. با توجه به اين موارد، ضرورت نگاهي نو به مساله و بازتعريف آن جهت ارائه راهكارهايي متفاوت با آنچه تاكنون ارائه شده ضروري به نظر مي رسد. سوال اساسي اين تحقيق آن است كه چگونه مي توان اصولا بستري ايجاد كرد كه فساد اداري در آن بستر اجازه ظهور نيابد و سيستم هاي اداري را حتي الامكان خطا ناپذير ساخت؟

بازدید : 150
سه شنبه 16 ارديبهشت 1399 زمان : 11:18

مقاله جوشكاري Characterization of microstructure and deformation behaviour of resistance spot welded AZ31 magnesium alloy

مقاله جوشكاري با عنوان : Characterization of microstructure and deformation behaviour of resistance spot welded AZ31 magnesium alloy

N. Kishore Babua,∗, S. Brauserb, M. Rethmeierb,c, C.E. Crossd

چكيده :

Resistance spot welds were prepared on 3 mm thick sheets of continuous cast and rolled AZ31 magnesium
alloy. The microstructure and composition analysis of weld nugget, heat affected zone (HAZ)
and base metal were examined using optical and scanning electron microscopy (HR-SEM and EDS/X).
The resistance spot welded magnesium alloy joints consist mainly of weld nugget and HAZ. The nugget
contains two different structures, i.e. the cellular-dendritic structure at the edge of the nugget and the
equiaxed dendritic structure in the centre of the nugget. The structure transition is attributed to the
changes of solidification conditions. In the HAZ, grain boundary melting occurred and grain boundaries
became coarse. It has been shown that hardness reduction in the weld nugget and HAZ compared with
base metal is evident due to dendritic microstructure and grain growth, respectively. The results showed
that spot welded joints have failed in interfacial mode under torsion and tensile–shear loading conditions.
Digital image correlation during tensile–shear testing showed that low surface strains occur in the
interfacial failure mode, because fracture and deformation happened primarily in the nugget area.


تعداد صفحات : 354

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  • کل مطالب : 3542
  • کل نظرات : 0
  • افراد آنلاین : 274
  • تعداد اعضا : 0
  • بازدید امروز : 5266
  • بازدید کننده امروز : 1
  • باردید دیروز : 68
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  • گوگل امروز : 2
  • گوگل دیروز : 2
  • بازدید هفته : 5394
  • بازدید ماه : 12811
  • بازدید سال : 29241
  • بازدید کلی : 1853589
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